If that happens again, would you mind opening another discussion below “General” with the exact message? We might have to adapt the user settings. We are still in the process of finding out the correct settings.
Sure, Thank you … Have a nice day
i was correcting the same radar file using ur code and got following error
Cell In[5], line 44
39 vol[“sweep_end_ray_index”].values = sweep_end_ray_index
41 # assign data to wradlib RadarVolume()
42 # now we have everything in place and can extract individual sweeps
43 # this is done via private functions of wradlib, so take with care
—> 44 sweeps = [wrl.io.xarray.assign_data_radial(vol, sweep=f"sweep{i+1}")[0] for i in range(vol.dims[“sweep”])]
45 new_vol = wrl.io.RadarVolume(engine=“cfradial1”)
46 new_vol.extend(sweeps)
Cell In[5], line 44, in (.0)
39 vol[“sweep_end_ray_index”].values = sweep_end_ray_index
41 # assign data to wradlib RadarVolume()
42 # now we have everything in place and can extract individual sweeps
43 # this is done via private functions of wradlib, so take with care
—> 44 sweeps = [wrl.io.xarray.assign_data_radial(vol, sweep=f"sweep{i+1}")[0] for i in range(vol.dims[“sweep”])]
45 new_vol = wrl.io.RadarVolume(engine=“cfradial1”)
46 new_vol.extend(sweeps)
AttributeError: module ‘wradlib.io.xarray’ has no attribute ‘_assign_data_radial’
Hi @Jagdish_jena,
the example you are following is for an older wradlib version. The example would have to be adapted to work with recent wradlib.