I extracted and visualized the raw reflectivity data, now I am trying to convert it into the rainfall. I’ve already looked up and tried wradlib example, but unfortunately stuck a little.
please give some more information about your problem.
Which function did you try and where did you get stuck?
Converting Reflectivity to Rainfall — wradlib with the tutorial script I’ve tried to convert dBZ.vol file to rainfall. I’ve struggle with datetime extraction from the file.
@Parrot Welcome to openradar discourse.
The wradlib example uses some legacy data. The process from getting the data into the current xarray Dataset/DatArray might be a bit confusing.
The only thing you would need to do is something along these lines:
import xarray as xr
swp = xr.open_dataset(fname, engine="rainbow", group="sweep_0") # assume rainbow data
dbz = swp.DBZ.wrl.trafo.idecibel() # get into linear space
rr = dbz.wrl.zr.z_to_r(a=200.0, b=1.6) # assume simple marshall-palmer
depth = rr.wrl.trafo.r_to_depth(300) # assume 5 minutes scan schedule)
That way you have a rainrate (rr
in mm/h
) and a rain depth (depth
in mm
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