OSError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[54], line 2
1 # read the data (sample file in WRADLIB_DATA)
----> 2 raw_dt1 = wrl.util.get_wradlib_data_file("CFRADIAL\RCTLS_04DEC2023_001214_L2B_STD.nc")
File ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python311\site-packages\wradlib\util.py:599, in get_wradlib_data_file(relfile)
598 def get_wradlib_data_file(relfile):
--> 599 data_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(get_wradlib_data_path(), relfile))
600 if not os.path.exists(data_file):
601 try:
File ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python311\site-packages\wradlib\util.py:589, in get_wradlib_data_path()
587 wrl_data_path = os.environ.get("WRADLIB_DATA", None)
588 if wrl_data_path is None:
--> 589 raise OSError(
590 "`WRADLIB_DATA` environment variable not set. Please set `WRADLIB_DATA` "
591 "pointing to the location of `wradlib_data` repository on the filesystem."
592 )
593 if not os.path.isdir(wrl_data_path):
594 raise OSError(f"`WRADLIB_DATA` path {wrl_data_path!r} does not exist.")
OSError: `WRADLIB_DATA` environment variable not set. Please set `WRADLIB_DATA` pointing to the location of `wradlib_data` repository on the filesystem.
Please provide a bit more context here. We might be able to see what’s going on only from looking at the traceback. Nevertheless the code which creates that traceback would really help in getting to the point.
One question, why are you using get_wradlib_data_file
? You could just give your filepath to the wanted reading function.
Actually my goal is want to convert raw data into volumetric gridded.file link. i am attaching nc file . Thank you for your responce
Please first try to ingest your file. The following will need xradar package to be installed (assuming your file is CfRadial1, other files can be read by xradar too, like ODIM, GAMIC, FURUNO, SIGMET/IRIS, and more to come):
import xradar as xd
dtree = xd.io.open_cfradial1_datatree(filename)
You might also try Py-ART here:
import pyart
radar = pyart.io.read(filename)
After ingesting your data you can do anything what you want with the ingested data. For conversion of raw data into gridded cartesian data there are several examples out there. I’ll add some links here:
Py-ART: Mapping Data to a Cartesian Grid — Py-ART 1.17.0.post3 documentation
WRADLIB: Recipe #2: Reading and visualizing an ODIM_H5 polar volume — wradlib
Those examples might not exactly look like what you expect, but you should get an insight how to tackle the problem. Maybe others can chime in, as I do not have the cycles to check on your file soonish.
@kmuehlbauer Thank you for your guidence i will look into this and i will try it .