ANN: wradlib 2.0.0 release candidate

Dear openradar enthusiasts,

I’m happy to announce the wradlib 2.0.0 release candidate. More than 6 years of continuous development will be assembled into this new version. We’ve moved the documentation back into the main wradlib repo and almost fully adopted xarray based functionality but kept existing numpy based workflows.

wradlib 2.0 will be much leaner since most of the wradlib radar readers have their new home in the openradar community package xradar. So we can concentrate on the second part of our mission:

The project has been initiated in order facilitate the use of weather radar data as well as to provide a common platform for research on new algorithms.

It’s great to see wradlib as part of our growing community here.

Before the final release, which will be by the end of September latest, we want to give the users some time ahead for checking and testing their workflows. We have an extensive migration guide available wradlib 2.0 migration — wradlib to get you going.

Currently you can install the release candidate from wradlib · PyPI. It’s already > rc.9 since we had to do quite some fixing with CI and ReadTheDocs. But now everything runs smoothly and you can also have a look at the updated GitHub - wradlib/wradlib-notebooks: wradlib jupyter notebooks, which are also rendered in the release candidate documentation Tutorials and Examples — wradlib. Please use the latest available release candidate on PyPI, since there might be additions and changes.

Finally, I encourage every wradlib user and also all others to check on the new version. Please let us know your comments, ideas, suggestions, remarks, or concerns through the available channels. We are eager to fit your additions into the final release.

on behalf of all wradlib contributors

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Congrats @kmuehlbauer !! This is so exciting. Congrats to all! Thank you for all your hard work here.