AMS Open Radar Short Course 2025?

The deadline for submitting a short course proposal for the 2025 AMS International Radar Meeting in Toronto, Canada is fast approaching (March 1). Is there anyone who would be willing to take the lead in organizing this year’s event? I am happy to provide the template from the last event in Minneapolis in 2023!

I mean, if you can sponsor me :slight_smile:

Hi Max,

I’d be happy to dedicate some time to organizing the short course. That said, I’d welcome anyone interested in joining me, perhaps @syedhamidali, to collaborate on this effort.

Let me know your thoughts!


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@aladinor I would love to contribute. Drop me an email at We will take it from there. Though, I won’t be able to attend the conference personally.

Same here, I’ll not be able to attend (neither in person nor online), but I’m happy to assist in pre course organization.


Great! I can get an email thread going, thanks for being willing to help in the organization, I reached out to AMS and they extended the deadline to submit the short course proposal to March 15 so we have more time :rocket: