Hello all,
I try to follow the script on Beam Blockage Calculation using a DEM — wradlib. I set up my radar as given in the first section.
Then, as I have already downloaded my DEM geotiff-file, I changed the codeblock [7] to
fpath = "file/to/path/topography.tif"
ds = wrl.io.open_raster(fpath)
rastervalues, rastercoords, crs = wrl.georef.extract_raster_dataset(ds, nodata=-9999.0)
# Clip the region inside our bounding box
ind = wrl.util.find_bbox_indices(rastercoords, rlimits)
rastercoords = rastercoords[ind[1] : ind[3], ind[0] : ind[2], ...]
rastervalues = rastervalues[ind[1] : ind[3], ind[0] : ind[2]]
# Map rastervalues to polar grid points
polarvalues = wrl.ipol.cart_to_irregular_spline(
rastercoords, rastervalues, polcoords, order=3, prefilter=False
Unfortunately, I do get a ValueError in polarvalues:
ValueError: zero-size array to reduction operation minimum which has no identity
Does someone know from where this comes from?