Open Radar Cookbooks AMS Radar Meeting Abstract

Hey all!

I am submitting an abstract on open radar cookbooks and would like anyone involved with the short courses/open radar educational development included!!

Here is the link:

Please comment and let me know what people think by tomorrow.


@mgrover1 Max, great initiative. I think it’s paramount to highlight that spreading wisdom by collaboration and sharing tutorials, notebooks and similar material beats any closed group science. We can only encourage folks to use those opportunities which are described in that abstract. :+1:

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@mgrover1, good initiative indeed!

Pyrad is not so concerned with notebooks because there is nothing to program in order to create and end-to-end workflow :slight_smile:

It would be good if you stress that, beyond the notebooks, open source software speeds up the actual scientific research and facilitate tremendously the collaboration between research institutions.

I would also add that open source software allows non-radar scientists to make use of radar data. I recently have been working with a group that is chasing meteorites and they are now at the point that they do not need me any more to get hold of the data.